Bug – Today the cc seems jitterish and the video does not stop end of each set

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsBug – Today the cc seems jitterish and the video does not stop end of each set
Alauddin Ahmed asked 5 years ago

Today the scroll up and down of the cc is acting up and also the video keeps playing while the cc set stops when we reach the end of that set.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Can you link me to the video editing page for the video in question? (Should end in versiondid=1234
Also, what browser and OS are you using?

Alauddin Ahmed replied 5 years ago

Chrome Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) on mac.

Alauddin Ahmed replied 5 years ago

here is a screenshot of some visual issues I see today.
the top nav is grayed out to go back, but if you look at the bottom nav the option is there at least partially visible.