Does not update the uploaded videos

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsDoes not update the uploaded videos
leandro3atletagmail-com asked 5 years ago

My videos are not uploaded to this website

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Can you try doing a hard refresh? Hold down the shift key and hit refresh and let me know if this works. If not, could you try another browser?
– Craig

leandro3atletagmail-com replied 5 years ago

It does not work with hard refresh nor does it work with any browser. Can you help me in any other way, please?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Leandro. Still having that issue intermittently. It appears to be working at the moment, but if you still have the issue, please use the legacy uploader link which is above the main uploader. We are still working on sorting out what the problem is with the main uploader.
– Craig

leandro3atletagmail-com replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig, thanks for responding quickly. I have accumulated work for my social networks since before yesterday. Can you give me temporary access for another account… While you solve the problem