VIdeo stuck on ‘making subtitles’

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVIdeo stuck on ‘making subtitles’
Timi ORIBUNMI asked 5 years ago

Hi Team,
Please can you review my video? It is stuck at the 1:50 mark and wont go any further for subtitling/edits. It is a 4:50 odd minutes video.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Timi!

So, this I have never seen this happen before. Working on it now and will report back asap. Your original video looks fine, so should be able to work it out without you losing your current work.

– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ok i figured it out and am fixing it now, please pause your work on the video while I get it all set.

Timi ORIBUNMI replied 5 years ago

Thanks Craig! I can see it now and I have done all the edits.

I am now ready to download the final video but was prompted to click on ‘make’. I did and the subtitling was pushed up and I do not want the alignment that way so I centred the subtitling again however, clicking ‘make’ keeps pushing it further up. I am unable to move forward from this.

Kindly assist.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

When that happens, just reposition the box and click MAKE. It is letting you know that the box around your subtitles may not be quite tall enough to fit your longest subtitle line. Just reposition the box and click MAKE and it will go. I just did it for you and your video will be ready in a moment.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Ok Timi,
Should have you all fixed up now.
Take a look and let me know if you need anything else at all.
– Craig