Videos wont upload

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideos wont upload
Joe Robert asked 4 years ago

Have tried from multiple devices, videos are freezing mid upload and not continuing

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Joe Robert
Hi Joe! Don’t see any clear issues on my end, so tell me about your video? What is the filesize?
– Craig

Joe Robert replied 4 years ago

31 megabytes. I’ve uploaded dozens, if not 100+ videos since signing up and have done nothing different here. Trying it again now after about 45 minutes of taking a break

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Joe Robert

Ah, then you definitely shouldn’t be getting that.
Can you send me the video to my dropbox? (Link below.)
Also, what browser are you using and are you on Windows or Mac?


Joe Robert replied 4 years ago


Joe Robert replied 4 years ago

I am on a Mac. Tried it earlier on Macbook and iMac. When I was having issues I tried it with multiple videos, all under 50mb each and they would just freeze mid way through the upload.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Huh. Interesting. Could have been a network issue?

As always if you have further trouble, just let me know.

Thanks Joe!
