Can only see 20 latest videos, need to have access to all 118 posted

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsCan only see 20 latest videos, need to have access to all 118 posted
Paula Black asked 5 years ago

Good morning, I have a membership for the PRO version of clipscribe. I have uploaded 118 videos and have transcribed all of them.  Each video is no more than 30 seconds long and the total of all the videos is 58 min. When I try accessing my videos I can only access the top 20 posted and cannot see any of the older videos. I also see doubles and triples of some that have been uploaded (I have only uploaded each once) Please advise. I need access to all my videos, not simply the latest 20.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Paula, 
There is a SHOW MORE button at the bottom so you can view more if you need to.
However, there shouldn’t be duplicates at least under the main My Videos tab.  If you look under the In Progress tab, you will likely see duplicate versions, as a new version/design is created every time you click to start working on a new layout.
Can you confirm that the duplicates you are seeing are under the main My Videos tab and also could you check out the Show More button and see if it works for you?
– Craig

Paula Black replied 5 years ago

thank you but when i hit “show more” i only get the 20…

Paula Black replied 5 years ago

there shouldn’t be duplicates but there are … under the In Progress tab i cannot “see more”

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ok. I am going to log into your account to check. You may get “kicked out” of your login session FYI while I do this. Back in a few.

Paula Black replied 5 years ago

never heard back… please advise

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Paula. I sent you a direct email. Can you check your spam?
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Just sent another email, let me know if you receive it. Thanks! – Craig