Cannot upload video

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsCannot upload video
Mike Hoyles asked 5 years ago

Trying to upload a video, progress bar makes it to 100%, then it tells me cannot convert video, etc.
There is nothing different from this video than the several I have already successfully uploaded. It’s ~700MB, which hasn’t been an issue in the past.
Recorded using QuickTime on my Macbook, tried both mp4 and mov versions. No go. 

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hey Mike. So sorry for the trouble. Been a difficult problem to solve over the last day or so, but I am quite sure we are all good now. If you don’t mind, give it another go when you can and thanks for your patience.

– Craig

Heather Picken replied 5 years ago

I am having the same issue. I keep trying to upload clips but it’s not working