Downloading a Video

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsDownloading a Video
Nick Horton asked 5 years ago

Hey Craig, 
Firstly, thanks for clipscribe, its awesome!
I’ve just edited my first video and want to download it to my Mac, however, the download icon is shaded out so I can’t activate the download.
What do I need to do?

Andrea Donsky replied 5 years ago

Following…. same happened for me.

1 Answers
Nardine Gharsa asked 5 years ago

Following – same has also happened for me!

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi @Nardine Gharsa, @Andrea Donsky and @Nick Horton

My apologies I just saw this.

You need to make your video before it will be downloadable. Kind of like printing a document. You can save and preview your video and your work, but in order to have the finished work, it has to be rendered. Click the MAKE button when you are ready. It will take some time depending on a number of factors to be made.

If you make any changes after you make it, you will need to make it again.
Thanks and let me know how else I can help.


Claire Stewart replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig – how long should this take? Mine has been processing now for approx 14 hours and nothing happening?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

@Claire Stewart Sending you an email on this.

Claire Stewart replied 5 years ago

thank you

Nick Horton replied 5 years ago

Bingo Craig!

We’re cooking on gas mark 6! 🙂

Many thanks for your guidance.
