Files not uploading

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsFiles not uploading
alexhawthornesocial-com asked 4 years ago

Hi Craig

Hope you are well

I’m not able to upload videos at the moment. Just wondering if there is something wrong with my account. I ve never had this issue before.

Kent Krafsky replied 4 years ago

The same with my account.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Thanks @Kent Krafsky and @alexhawthornesocial-com . Checking this now…
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Kent Krafsky & @alexhawthornesocial-com I just did a test upload without any issue. Did you guys get any particular error? Was the issue at upload or after the upload appeared to be completed? Did you get to the part where the little robot appears?
– Craig

1 Answers
alexhawthornesocial-com asked 4 years ago

Hi Craig

no error files just wont upload anymore. stops halfway

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@alexhawthornesocial-com & @Kent Krafsky Can you guys upload your videos to this DropBox link for me? If the video won’t upload to DropBox, there is likely a network issue on your end. If it goes through I will check out the video and try uploading it.
– Craig

alexhawthornesocial-com replied 4 years ago

thanks Craig

My file uploaded fine to dropbox.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Hey I was able to upload it fine, so my guess is, it is a temporary network issue between you and us.
You can use the DropBox or Google Drive importers in the meantime.
I went ahead and uploaded that one though and can move it over to your account. What language do you want me to use on it?
– Craig

alexhawthornesocial-com replied 4 years ago

Thanks Craig

English Australian please .

Normally it works fine without any issues it has been like this for for about 20 hrs

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@alexhawthornesocial-com Ok it is in your account. Let me check with our upload service and see if there is a known issue.
– Craig