Final video taking more time to export (2min – 3min video is taking nearly 8-13 hours to download)

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsFinal video taking more time to export (2min – 3min video is taking nearly 8-13 hours to download)
appdillygmail-com asked 4 years ago


I am facing this the issue of exprting the file since couple of days, The video is around 2-3 mins and its taking around 8 hours to download although my intenet speed is good.

This is very painful, taking a lot of time to download, please take a look at it.


Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@appdillygmail-com Hi, which video are you talking about? And just to clarify, you mean download to your computer, not the export process?
I took a look at your 3 most recent videos that were made today and was able to download and play each one in a few seconds, so I am supposing the issue is downloading from our network to yours which would be a network issue.
Have you tried the DropBox transfer? You can transfer the files to DropBox and then download them from there. If your network is slow all-around, that may not help, but it could be just that you have an issue between you and our download servers. We use Amazon to server our files, so they are generally pretty fast.
Oh also, are you clicking the download button from the editor page or from the In Progress tab on the My Uploads page?