How to add lines in Timeline now?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHow to add lines in Timeline now?
Jesse Ibanez asked 5 years ago

So it used to be there was a little "plus" icon between each line, and you’d click that to insert lines between.

TLDR Version:

How do I add new lines of subtitles now?


Because the subtitles are never accurate. I’m sure that’s partly due to music playing in the background.

And that doesn’t really bother me….as long as I can fix it.

But now the plus icon is gone, and I can not for the life of me figure out how to add a new line between lines now.

There’s got to be some interface I’m just not aware of.

I can’t possibly imagine you’d completely remove the ability to add lines.

Because I’m not writing an SRT file for each video. If I was going to do that,

then I’d just add that to my video project instead of paying for a subtitling program.

3 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Jesse!

So to add a new block click into any block and the controls will appear. Just added a number of other options and didn’t want to muddy up everything, so just click in the text area first and the blocks will appear.

Let me know how else I can help you.



Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Jesse,
Follow up on this. There actually was an issue with it I discovered after your post.
It has been resolved, so should be all set.
My apologies for the trouble and thanks for letting me know.
– Craig

Jesse Ibanez replied 5 years ago

I replied, but didn’t have the ability to post an image, so had to do it as an “answer”.
If you could take a look at that, I would be very grateful.

Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

ok Jesse,

Thanks so much for sticking with me!

Issue appears to be resolved on FireFox.

Give it a go.


  • Craig
Jesse Ibanez replied 5 years ago

Beautiful. Thank you so much.
This takes a lot of stress off my shoulders now.
I can see it working now.
Different UI, but that’s totally fine.
That part I can figure out.

Jesse Ibanez asked 5 years ago

Hey Craig,

I’m still not seeing any controls.

I went ahead and re-opened the project as new, and still no change.

See attached.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey they should appear when you click inside of the subtitle text box.
Have you done that?
If you have, and they aren’t showing, can you let me know what browser and OS you are one?
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey made you a quick video too:

Jesse Ibanez replied 5 years ago

Okay, so I watched your video.
And when I click into those blocks, that does not happen.
It used to happen before!
But maybe a couple weeks or a month ago
(Covid messing with my head for timeframes), it stopped doing that.
I’m using Windows 10 and Firefox.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ah! ok, let me login to your account and see what you see. Thanks for the clarification.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ok Jesse,
this appears to be an issue with FireFox. Let me dig in and see what’s up. In the meantime, Chrome or Safari are working fine.
I will report back asap.
– Craig