I can’t upload file from my laptop

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsI can’t upload file from my laptop
George Missiha asked 4 years ago

Hi , I’ve been trying to upload file but it can’t . Please help me fix this .

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@George Missiha Hey, do you know what the file size is on this file? – Craig

George Missiha replied 4 years ago

It’s 32 MB only. a 1min and 30-sec video.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@George Missiha Can you upload it to our dropbox so I can check it out?

George Missiha replied 4 years ago

i uploaded already

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@George Missiha Ok, that video looks fine and I was able to upload to my account. What Operating System and browser are you using? (i.e. Windows 10/Chrome)

George Missiha replied 4 years ago

Yes Windows 10 / Chrome

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@George Missiha Ok, give me a few and I will test on that combo.
– Craig

George Missiha replied 4 years ago

ok sure . Thanks

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@George Missiha ok George just tried on Windows 10 with Chrome and it went in fine. Could you possibly be having internet connection issues? You are uploading directly right? Meaning, not using the DropBox importer or the Google Drive Importer? Any chance you can video the process for me? I need to see what might be happening differently.

George Missiha replied 4 years ago

Resolved. Thank you

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Perfect! I am here if you need anything else.

Thanks George.
