Image quality

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsImage quality
Benjamin Mack asked 5 years ago

I have edited the video, added subtitles, logo etc and saved and then went to post on socials and have lost the quality. Any help ?

3 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hey Ben.
this could be due to a few things. First off look at the video you downloaded from us (before uploading) and see if it looks good from a quality stand point.
If it doesn't look good, there could be a couple reasons for this. By default, we export your videos at the same resolution video you uploaded so if your original upload was low resolution them the final you get from us will also be lower resolution.  
Next to the save and make buttons there is a gear you can click and you can adjust some quality settings. Generally as long as your video you uploaded is HD you really shouldn't have to mess with these.
You can adjust the quality level of the encode, the speed of the encode as well as the target resolution.
Note resolution just refers to width x height in pixels
Do be aware that adjusting these can significantly increase your encoding time.
If the video, however looks good when you download it from us and open it before uploading it to the social networks then there could be a few reasons it doesn't look good after you upload it.
Most of the social networks pre-encode videos when they are uploaded to lesser quality versions so they can quickly get it online and then in the background they create a higher quality version, so I would wait a little bit and then go back and do a hard refresh holding your shift key and clicking the refresh key to make sure that the final version is not higher quality.
most of the social networks pre-encode videos when they are uploaded to lesser quality versions so they can quickly get it online and then in the background they create a higher quality version, so I would wait a little bit and then go back and do a hard refresh holding your shift key and clicking the refresh key to make sure that the final version is not higher quality.
I'd be happy to check the video in question for you and give you my thoughts on it. Just let me know which video it is.
– Craig

Benjamin Mack replied 5 years ago

Thanks Craig. I have have one video.
Is there a special way that I let you know which video it is ?


Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

That is perfect actually.
So your original video you uploaded had a resolution of 272 x 480 which is quite tiny. A regular full sized vertical video would be 1080X1920, so your original is just super low resolution. That is the main issue here. I recommend uploading at least a 720X1080 file or 1080X1920 ideally.

If you want to give me more details on how you are creating these I can help.

I see that you up-ressed the final video to full HD. This is a good idea because your video is so low resolution, if you export it that way, the text will look bad.

At least by up-ressing it, the text will look good and clear.

However, now, your video will look worse because it has been stretched up to full vertical HD from 272×480.

So, bottom line here is shoot higher resolution and you will be all good.

– Craig

Benjamin Mack asked 5 years ago

Thanks Craig I'm filming from an iPhone 7. Should this be okay? 

maybe if I film in square as opposed to vertical ?