imovie and clipscribe

HelpdeskCategory: Questionsimovie and clipscribe
Jo Jackson asked 3 years ago

Hey Craig,

I use imovie to edit my video but the format of the imovie once I download it cannot be uploaded onto clipscribe. Likewise I cannot seem to put a video that is made by clipscribe onto imovie…….please advise what i should do?

Craig Staff replied 3 years ago

@Jo Jackson Hi Jo! Could you please upload your iMovie video to this dropbox link?

You shouldn’t have any issues either using videos from iMovie or importing ClipScribe videos into iMovie.

Also, can you point me to one of your ClipScribe videos that you downloaded and then attempted to import into iMovie? Also, if iMovie gave you an error message when you tried to import, that would help as well.
Thank you!