Missing Logo’s

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsMissing Logo’s
Sandy Semingson asked 5 years ago

The site has been crashing all day, after spending hours uploading my company logs’s they are no where to be found. They aren’t popping up on the screen after completling their upload. Can you tell me why?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Sandy,
We did have one issue where the site was down that I am aware of. When did you notice it was down most recently?
I will take a deeper look.
On the logos, I will take a look to see what is going on.
Back in a few.
– Craig

1 Answers
Sandy Semingson asked 5 years ago

It was down today many hours between 9:30 and 1:45. My logos never popped up on the side panel like your vide shows so I have no idea where they went but I uploaded like 15 hahaha

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Yeah, I believe I sorted it out and big apologies for the inconvenience. You have a number of failed uploads and I think I know why as well.
I would totally be happy to upload them for you if you want to zip them and send them to craigl@clipscribe.com

Otherwise, I will have things finished up here in about 15 mins.
– Craig