wbwendybreakstone-com asked 5 years ago

I’ve saved a template several times but when I go into the Choose a Template, my saved design is NOT there?  Please advise WHY THEY ARE NOT SAVING.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Wendy,
What video is this for? Or is it for all of them?
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Oh also, did you name your saved template something?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ok I checked into your account and I do see four templates there and they look to be the most recent templates created in the system, so these are likely the ones.
This is my guess. Templates are size specific. So, if you are looking at other video layouts, you wouldn’t see your square template.
If you want to make your template fit another size you should do this.

1. Load up a new/or old video that uses the current template. (Which is a square 1:1 frame with a horizontal 16:9 frame).
2. Save it.
3. Click COPY up by the SAVE and MAKE buttons.
4. Choose the new layout you want to use.
5. The system will copy everything over and do its best to put everything in the right place based on the new sizing and positioning.
6. Make any adjustments you need.
7. Save your new template for this size.

Let me know how else I can help.

– Craig

wbwendybreakstone-com replied 5 years ago

OK – I’ll see if I can make that work. THANKS for the quick response!