no captions and vertical video is distorted

HelpdeskCategory: Questionsno captions and vertical video is distorted
James Hannan asked 5 years ago

Hey Craig 
Love what you have made mate. Well done. Hey I uploaded a vertical video and said I did. However when I created the CC and downloaded the video is all distorted. 
What did I do wrong? 
thanks for your help 

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey James! So, it is likely your actual video is sending some confusing info. to our servers. Let me double check it for you and I will report right back.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey James, yes, that is the issue. The metadata in your videos is telling our system that they are square rather than vertical. I can fix this for you. Give me a few minutes.
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Just an update, almost done sorting this for you. Give me about 30 more minutes.
– Craig

2 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Ok James. So, your video was anamorphic meaning the actual width and height were 1080X1080 but the display width and height were 1080X1920, so the system was confused.

I fixed it for you, but it might change your options, so if you need help let me know, but you should be good to go.



James Hannan replied 5 years ago

Craig you’re a legend, how did that happen?

James Hannan asked 5 years ago

If you get a chance Craig, I’d love to know what I did wrong to make that happen if you know. I videoed it in vertical and used an iphone. No worries if you’re not sure