Problems uploading video

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsProblems uploading video
Bertha Carmona asked 3 years ago

I had this problem with uploading the video onto my desktop, after I was done editing the video. After it was finished downloading and it saying it was done, after replaying the saved video on my desktop, the video would only play about 2 seconds before the video itself freezing, but the timer and subtitles would still go, just the video not working. While editing the closed captions it would play perfectly fine, so I don’t know what is going on. Would greatly appreciate either a fix or an alternative way to share the video outside of the 4 options given.

Craig Staff replied 3 years ago

@Bertha Carmona Hi Bertha. I am sure we can sort this out for you. Can you just let me know which video it is you are having this issue with? i.e. is it your most recent video? Or “It’s the video called ‘New Project'” Or you can link me to the editor page for the video in questions well.

Bertha Carmona replied 3 years ago

Yes, Thank you, the video link is below;

Bertha Carmona replied 3 years ago

Good morning.

Craig Staff replied 3 years ago

@Bertha Carmona Hey Bertha. I see the issue on your video and am working on it now. Back with you in just a bit.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 3 years ago

Ok Bertha, Re-download for me. I am not sure what happened here. I ran it and it came out fine, so if this happens again, please email me at

Thank you!
