Problems uploading video

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsProblems uploading video
Lynda MacPherson asked 4 years ago

Hi, I read the FAQ and this seems a common problem overcome by directly uploading/dragging and dropping from dropbox. Unfortuantley this hasn’t solved the problem for me. I tried dragging/dropping from dropbox and also using the + in clipscribe to add from dropbox but same result. Partial loading then just stops. Any other ways for me to overcome this?

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi @Lynda MacPherson, do you know what the file size is on your video?
– Craig

Lynda MacPherson replied 4 years ago

Just trying to find that out (amateur here!!). The videos are only a couple of minutes long so thinking they shouldn’t be too big but will get back to you soon

Lynda MacPherson replied 4 years ago

They are 24,555KB and 27,696KB

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Lynda MacPherson If the video is sitting in your dropbox, login to dropbox, click on it and when it shows the video player, on the right there is a little information icon. Click that and it will tell you.

Our uploader service reported an issue with the DropBox and Drive importers for videos over 1 GB, so if your video is over 1 GB, that is probably the issue and you will likely have to use the regular uploader.
However, if your video is only a couple of minutes, it really shouldn’t be over 1GB, so if that is the case, let me know how you are creating the video so I can help you get it to a manageable size that won’t take forever to upload or encode.


Lynda MacPherson replied 4 years ago

Thanks Craig, the video is being recorded with a plug in logi camera directly to the hard drive on my computer

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Lynda MacPherson Ok those are fine. There may be another issue with them.
Can you link them to me here or send me the DropBox links to my email
Or you can upload them to my DropBox via this link:
