Video Low and too “bright” when uploading

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo Low and too “bright” when uploading
Kim Barnes asked 3 years ago

Hi – I uploaded a video today that was shot on iphone 12. It looked good on my phone and computer but when I uploaded here it looks bad. I thought maybe b/c it was .mov not .mp4 — so put into final cut and then exported as mp4 at high quality. The colors look better — however the video quality after downloading from clipscribe doesn’t look great. What resolution are we getting with download?

Any suggestions? (I left both examples in my account if you’d like to look.)

Thanks, Kim

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 3 years ago

Hi Kim!

Made a video to answer your questions.

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions or answers to my questions in the video.

