video not being made

HelpdeskCategory: Questionsvideo not being made
Hilary Paige Johnson asked 4 years ago

I uploaded a video and had no problems creating the IGTV format. But then I tried to make a 1:1 format and it just won’t "make" the video. I started it last night. Wasn’t complete this morning. Tried to edit and make again. Then just uploaded the entire video and started from scratch. It’s just stuck in "making" mode. Any ideas?

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi @Hilary Paige Johnson
Sure, let me check for you now.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hey Hilary,

This should be resolved.

Both of your videos are being re-made now, so when they are done, check them out, but you should be all set.



Hilary Paige Johnson replied 4 years ago

Thank you for the prompt reply! I got it now. Thank you!!!

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

You are welcome and that issue should be resolved going forward. Thanks for letting me know you were having trouble.