Video not uploading

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo not uploading
Paul Bradley asked 4 years ago


I can’t seem to upload videos onto clipscribe sometimes but sometimes it works.

what could be the reason? Can you let me know how to resolve this.

Thank you.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Paul Bradley
Hi Paul, thanks for reaching out!
The most typical reason is the network connection between you and are upload service.
We use a pretty solid upload platform, so it almost always comes down to this.
If your uploads are especially large it can complicate things further.

Can you let me know if you are uploading from a wired network, wifi or cell? Looking at your videos, they don’t appear to be especially large.

Have you tried using the DropBox or Google Drive importers?

Which one of your recent uploads did you have an issue with so I can test?
