Video quality consistently low

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo quality consistently low
mayank sohar asked 5 years ago

Hi I have made 6 videos till now on the platform and all of them have issue with reduced clarity. Can you help with my latest video named \”Video ad for LM\”?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Mayank,
Yes, let me take a look at your videos and I will report back with some suggestions. We do have some quality settings you can adjust, but I want to be sure that is the best route to go.
Back in a few.
– Craig

mayank sohar replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig any update? I am seeing this issue consistently with 16:9 videos.

2 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Darn, I am not sure what happened here. My apologies Mayank and I appreciate your follow-up.
So, a couple of follow-up questions. Do you see the reduced clarity immediately on download or after you post somewhere? If it is after you posted it elsewhere, then it is likely due to the compression by the social network at least temporarily. Most of them will compress the videos quickly to get the video online fast.
I just checked your most recent video and it looks good to me. I don’t see any drastic clarity issues or artifacts, but that’s just me. Any chance you could point me to a specific spot in the video so I can better understand what you are seeing as reduced clarity?
I downloaded the original video and compared it side by side with the ClipScribe version and I am having a hard time seeing a clarity difference. I am seeing a slight color difference though which I will look into.
To me one of the best ways to compare is to look at the text as it is usually the first to go and luckily your video has some text in it so I grabbed a comparison:
To me, I can’t see a significant difference between those two images, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
So, let me know on the above questions and I will give you some general info below.
We do have some quality settings you can adjust on the editor page. Up by the SAVE and MAKE buttons there is a little gear you can click and you can adjust the speed and quality of your encodes.
BUT… there are a few caveats that are especially critical for you.

  1. Adjusting these settings will significantly modify your encoding speed AND file size. i.e. a video that normally takes 10 minutes to encode could take 40 minutes if you set all the settings to highest and slowest.
  2. BUT, when the original video uploaded is fully uncompressed which it appears yours is, this multiplies this effect. Your latest video is several GB. I recommend pre-encoding your video to MP4 at a high quality setting. It will make uploading much easier AND make encoding much easier allowing you to reasonably make some quality adjustments. If you want info. on how to do that, let me know. Just let me know what OS you are on. Uncompressed videos like the one uploaded are not considered portable (not really made for uploading or encoding). They are made more for archiving.

So, just give me some more details on what the factor is that is making you feel the video quality is lower and I will better be able to serve in this instance.
Thank you!

mayank sohar asked 5 years ago

Hey Craig,

Answers as follows:

  1. When do i see quality reduction: Once it’s uploaded on Clipscribe (check my latest video "Brand Identity", its been shot on DSLR)
  2. For converting to mp4 can you guide me to some website, what Iam finding on google are paid options for heavier files.

Look fwd to help from you, I need to post "Brand Identity" tomorrow hence would appreciate if we can find a solution today itself.


Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Ah, thanks for the response. So, really, the video you see on ClipScribe is inconsequential. It only exists for editing purposes on ClipScribe. It has no bearing on the quality of your final exported/downloaded video which is really all that matters since only you are going to see the preview used for editing on ClipScribe. What matters is the final video you download. I'll take a look at bumping up the quality on it though, although we have to balance creating a very high quality preview and getting folks up to editing as quickly as possible.

On the mp4 conversion, are you on Mac or PC or Android or iPhone? Also, what are you shooting your videos with?
– Craig