Bars around video on LinkedIn

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsBars around video on LinkedIn
Jill Goldenziel asked 4 years ago

When I upload my video to LinkedIn, I get bars around it. They\’re not visible when I watch the video on my computer. I created it using the Clipscribe-suggested 16:9 format for videos on LinkedIn. Can you please teach me how to upload it correctly?The video is \"ABA Podcast Election Disinformation 9-10-2020.\"Thank you.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi Jill,

If you mean the bars on the side they will:

  1. Usually show up during upload.
  2. Show up if you don’t upload the right size thumbnail. Make sure the thumbnail you upload is the same size as your video.

If this doesn’t help let me know.

  • Craig
Jill Goldenziel replied 4 years ago

Craig, This still didn’t work. I am no longer using a thumbnail. The problem did not show up (either time) when I uploaded the video to Clipscribe. It does not show up when I view the videos on my computer after downloading them from Clipscribe. The problem occurs on LinkedIn when I upload the video.

The video I’m working with now is called “Will The Truth Win.” Can you please advise?

Thank you,
