I lost my subtitle design options!

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsI lost my subtitle design options!
katie nguyen asked 4 years ago

hi somehow the design bar for my subtitles disappeared.

also is there any way to save favorite tenplates and fonts? its time consuming to keep having to repick

thank you

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@katie nguyen hi Katie! Can you give me some more details? Is it this video: https://clipscribe.com/manage-transcriptions/?versionid=162410

If so, what do you mean the design bar disappeared? It looks to be there? Is it something else?

As far as saving templates and fonts, yes there is a template menu at the top of the editor. Click SAVE TEMPLATE.

If you then want to create a template for another layout size I would click COPY on the editor page when you have your design sorted out and then choose the new layout you want.

Once you get everything sorted on that layout, click SAVE TEMPLATE again as templates are layout dependent. (i.e. a template you saved for a square video won’t show up for a vertical one).

Let me know if this helps.