Instagram Reels

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsInstagram Reels
Steven Bierfeldt asked 4 years ago

Craig not sure if this is an instagram glitch or something you can fix but posting it here. Having major problems with an IG Reels. I’ve built the reel, about 59 seconds long with my voiceover and then downloaded it. Then uploaded the file to clipscribe. It shows that there is voiceover… it builds the subtitles and everything, but no longer does the video play. It shows the full text of the video on each subtitle but only shows a still picture.

And then when I try to download it, no good. Error message. I’ve had no luck over the last few weeks or so trying to transcribe videos that I build in IG and then downloaded and uploaded to clipscribe. Unsure what to make of this. Most recent is "Mac 3" and "6." Something is not connecting in the transfer from the downloaded file from IG and the transcription

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hey Steven.

I’ve seen this once before. The video is corrupted, looks to be something having to do with adding those stills in there. I added a fix to your account that should resolve it. Your video looks to be working now.

Are you adding those still images within IG?



Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Steven Bierfeldt Holy crap. After looking at the video I realized wy wife just showed me one of your videos the other day on TikTok. Didn’t even realize it was you! 🙂 Very cool!!!
– Craig