Scrolling line along top of sub title box

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsScrolling line along top of sub title box
Jon Fillipi asked 3 years ago

HI. I love how this makes my clip look. I just don’t like the yellow line that scrolls 1/4 of the way above the sub title box. Is there a way to remove that or is it part of the template I chose? I am loving Clipscribe so far!!

Thanks so much!


1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 3 years ago

Hi Julie!!

Yes for sure. In the design area where you add and edit headlines, branding, etc. You will see a COUNTDOWN element. Click the little X to delete it and click MAKE again on your video and you will be all set.

If you want, you can go to the TEMPLATE drop down and SAVE NEW TEMPLATE so you can use the template going forward, but without the countdown.

Thanks and let me know how I can help further.
