HELP! Putting subtitles in a special part of video

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHELP! Putting subtitles in a special part of video
dfuller65gmail-com asked 2 years ago

Hello, hope everyone had a great turkey day. I am NOT tech savvy, so go easy on me. I have a guy making horizontal interview videos for me with a split screen and wooden wall border (see pic in the attachment). When I uploaded the video to ClipScribe (CS), I can’t figure out how to add subtitles to the bottom of the screen against the wooden wall without losing the wall. Is there a way to do this in CS? Also, when I tried to upload the video, both of us in the split screen are cut off, so I don’t know if I chose the wrong horizontal size (see 2nd pic in the attachment ) or if my guy needs to do special formatting BEFORE I upload it to CS? And if so, what the heck do I tell him to do? Appreciate your valuable time. Donna

Craig Staff replied 2 years ago

@dfuller65gmail-com Hey Donna,
Made you a video that I hope explains your options.
Please follow up with any questions,
I have covid at the moment, so apologies if I don’t sound perfectly coherent.
– Craig

dfuller65gmail-com replied 2 years ago

Hi Craig, so sorry for the delay. Thanks for the awesome reply back…while you have covid?! Um, are ya nuts?! Praying you are over it by now!! I have sent this to my “video guy” to see what he says. In your reply, you implied Zoom had very limited features on certain things. When I do these interviews, do you have suggestion for another meeting video system that isn’t so limited? Thanks so much. Donna