Background color not changing.

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsBackground color not changing.
La Sierra Church asked 4 years ago

I added a background to test and it worked nicely, but when I wanted to remove the background, I could not. I selected a color, and it still did not. So I started over and tried to change the top bar color, but it is not sticking. Any ideas?

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi!. Can you link me to the editing page for the video in question? Was the background you added one you uploaded or one of the free stock backgrounds? Was this for the top bar or the bottom bar?
– Craig

1 Answers
La Sierra Church asked 4 years ago

I ended up deleting it and starting over (though the second file I “saved” to come back to it and the “continue edit” did not work either. So starting a new file that I will finish in one sitting so as to avoid losing work. I figured the issue out. I went to the bottom bar and copied the color [rgb (numbers)] into the top bar. The color would change but when hit save it would not take. Played around with it for a while and realized that if I copied the rgb info, I’d need to click on the color wheel again and it will stick. So a simple copy and paste and save won’t work. Needs to be copy, paste, then click on the colorwheel and it worked. At least that’s what I did to get it going.