Cannot upload video using url link

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsCannot upload video using url link
Anne Gage asked 5 years ago

Since I have rural internet it’s challenging to upload video files. So, I thought I could upload using the URL for a Facebook live stream I just did. It’s on my business page, so there should be no issue about privacy. I get this error message … FILE 79898- IS NOT AN ACCEPTED FILE TYPE. THE ACCEPTED FILE TYPES ARE .MOV,.MP4,.M4V,.MPG,.MPEG,.AVI,VIDEO/MP4,VIDEO/MOV
As a test, I also tried uploading from YouTube URL (one of my own videos) and get the error message … ERROR PAGE NOT FOUND.
What type of URL is it possible to upload videos from?

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Anne!

So, to use the URL option, you have to provide a direct video link which would look something like: https://mywebsite/video.mp4 or https://mywebsite/

YouTube doesn’t provide direct links to the actual video file. Only, to the page they display the video on. I believe the same is the case with Facebook. You would need to download the video from these services and then upload it to us.

If you are having trouble uploading, your best bet would be to transfer your videos to DropBox or Google Drive and then import them to use from there. You could likely transfer them from YouTube or Facebook into Google Drive or DropBox and then using the importer to move them over to us from there.

– Craig