Cant download film

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsCant download film
Sarah Loddick asked 5 years ago

I’m really frustrated. I just spent an hour trying download my video with the subtitles. I clicked “Make” and I got a link telling me I can view and download. It downloads an mp4 file but it is 0kb size and it won’t play. I get the error “This file isn't playable. That might be because the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt. 0xc10100be
The original file and all other files play fine. I’ve tried direct downloading and I’ve tried downloading to dropbox. I’ve tried multiple times and I’ve tried on google chrome and microsoft edge on my windows PC and safari on my iphone.
How do I download the video? 
Thank you

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Sarah.

Let me take a look for you.
Back in a moment.
– Craig

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Sarah,

There was an issue with your original file that was preventing the encode from finishing. Possibly something happened no upload. I repaired it for you and ran the video and it is ready to download now.

Anything else you need let me know.
