Changes not being saved

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsChanges not being saved
Mariajose Balboa asked 4 years ago

Hi there,
I’m new to clipscribe, so there’s a high chance this is user error. I keep making changes and I feel like they’re not being properly saved. Do I have to click save before clicking on view more? Or just one time at the end? 

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi Mariajose,
So, you would click SAVE when you want to save your changes.  Also, if you make any changes to the subtitles like add a new block or click VIEW MORE the subtitles will auto-save.
Also, when you click MAKE, everything will save before making your video.
If you can give me an example where you feel like something is not getting saved I will get right on it.  If you can give me some reproducible example it would be ideal.