Choosing Video Thumbnail

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsChoosing Video Thumbnail
Malcolm Stone asked 4 years ago

Hi, Is there a way we can select or upload a thumbnail image for the video we are editing?

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hey Malcolm,

Not presently. Thumbnails don’t carry with videos within the metadata, so you would need to upload it to whatever your target platform is anyway, so uploading it to us I don’t think would really help.

But, I have a feature coming that will easily let you create thumbnails from your videos. It unfortunately won’t be ready for a couple of weeks, but it is going to be really great, so stay tuned for that.

What I often do is, either:

  1. After I upload my video to FB/Linkedin, they present a number of thumbnail options to choose from.
  2. I use something like Canva to create a unique thumbnail and then upload it to the platform of my choice when I upload the video.
  3. I will use an app like VLC media player which is free to easily grab a snapshot of my finished video to use as my thumbnail and then upload it to the platform of my choice when I upload the video.

But, do stay tuned. I will be announcing soon the thumbnail creator.

