Copying template seems to take forever

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsCopying template seems to take forever
Angie Minucci asked 4 years ago


I am lOVING ClipScribe Quick question: when I do as you show in the tutorial to copy a template into another format first it asks about using the same subtitles or using a Master (something along those lines) 1. I’m not clear on the difference in the two. and 2. It opens a new window when I select the template size I would like to copy the design into and the little play button with dots around it just spins and spins – it never actually creates a template of another size. Thoughts? I have recorded a loom to better explain

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Angie Minucci
Hey Angie!
Thanks so much for that video. Always very helpful.
So on the master subtitles question.

By default when you upload a video, anytime you create a video design/layout with it, each one will use the master set of subtitles. This is so when you edit your subtitles on one layout, those edits show up on any others you create or copy so you aren’t having to re-edit your subtitles every time.
If you clone them, it will create a clone of your current master set of subtitles ONLY for the clone you are creating. When you make edits on that particular layout, they will only stay with that layout design and not affect any others.

I usually recommend using this when you have already done any main editing on your subtitles and you want to create variants (did I just say variant?) of your video that will be reasonably different from others like you will be editing out sections or you will be removing line breaks, etc.

If that isn’t clear, please let me know,

On the video issue, I think I may need to login to your account to see this issue in action.

Can I do that? I have to ask, as it will kick you out when I do it.


Angie Minucci replied 4 years ago

yes feel free – kick me out 🙂 That would be a huge help

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hey Angie, no need actually.

I see the issue. You need to SAVE your video before cloning it.

I need to add a message for this, so my apologies. I already added an update for this, but I haven’t rolled it out yet. I am going to roll it out with a bigger update coming today or tomorrow.

But in the meantime, give that a go and see if it works for you. Clicking save first and then clicking COPY should work.

