Dowloaded Video File is not Playable and FB says its too small to upload

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsDowloaded Video File is not Playable and FB says its too small to upload
Jayna Velez-Molina asked 4 years ago

Unable to play the file on QuickTime Player.    It says this when I go to open it  "This file isn't compatible.” Tried to upload to Facebook and it wouldn't work either. It says the file is too small. It has be atleast 1KB. Can you please help me resolve this?

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Checking for you now Jayna. One moment.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Hey Jayna. I am running your file now. Those full size countdowns take a while to create, but I am watching it. It will be ready soon. Just don’t click MAKE again or it will restart. I will post here when it is ready to download.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Jayna.  Your video is ready.  I upgraded the encoder today and it looks like you ran this very soon after and I did have to make a change in the code as your video and one other came out small like this.
It is all set now and you shouldn’t have any issues with this going forward.  Do note that those full sized countdowns take a bit more time to be made though.