How do I get my headline to word wrap or at least break into two lines???

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHow do I get my headline to word wrap or at least break into two lines???
Marc DiFrancia asked 4 years ago

That’s my question…I can’t seem to do that…Nor can I save a default font, nor do I see any option to center my text without just eyeballing it…
Am I missing a tutorial on that somewhere???

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi Mark!  So, headlines, as headlines aren’t meant to be wrapped (at least that’s how it is setup on ClipScribe) so just create a second headline or subline and position it below your major headline.
The easiest way to center them is to stretch the box around them all the way to the edges.  This will perfectly center them as well as center them vertically within the box.
As far as a default font, I don’t have that set up yet, but you can save templates.  So, if you use a particular font/layout/colors every time, then save a template.  The template menu is up by the SAVE/MAKE buttons.
Click SAVE template and then when you choose a layout next time, the template will be made available to you.
I have been creating video tutorials this week to update our current ones, so stay tuned.
Any other questions let me know.
– Craig