How long does it take to be able to download a video?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHow long does it take to be able to download a video?
Evangelos Datseris asked 5 years ago

I created my first test video and I’m trying to download it…..looks like it’s doing something, but nothing happens. I get an email notifying me of it being ready, but when I click download nothing happens. 

5 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Evangelos,
Depending on your device when you click the download button, it will download to your desktop.  If you are on a mobile device, you should let me know which device as there may be a particular way to download based on the device.
Otherwise, if you are on laptop/desktop, click the link above and click the download button and it will save to the default directory set for your browser for downloading files.
I just tested it to be sure and it downloaded without issue.

Evangelos Datseris replied 5 years ago

I was able to download it to my desktop, but had to transfer to my iphone with one drive and then save to an album in order to use it. I have an iphone X. I’d like to be able to skip that step of downloading from my computer to iphone etc. Let me know how to download direct to my phone. Thanks!

Also, I noticed on another question someone asked about IGTV size. I tried to answer but was unable to. Tell them they need to download a video resizer in order to make it work on IGTV, unless there is another way to do it. All videos I’ve done in any app or format have to be resized in order to work on IGTV.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

No, they don’t need to do that for IGTV. We have that covered. 🙂

To download to your iPhone X, make sure you are using Safari.

When you click on the Download button it will ask you if you want to View or Download. Click Download and it will download to the browser. (There is an icon in the upper right showing the progress.)

When it is done, click that icon and you can save it to your photos library.

Let me know if you have any other questions concerning this.



Evangelos Datseris replied 5 years ago

Craig, I’m not finding that to be the case when choosing that layout. Are you sure? For some reason IGTV does that with any video I’ve created so I have to resize.

Evangelos Datseris replied 5 years ago

I was able to download direct from my phone. I was in a chrome browser, that’s why it wasn’t working. I opened Clipscribe in Safari and it prompted me for that. Thank you.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Awesome! Yeah, it is unfortunate Chrome won’t do it, but the good news is, that until 7 or 8 months ago, Safari wouldn’t let you download the video either which was crazy. Glad you got it going.

Evangelos Datseris replied 5 years ago

Can you let me know how I need to record this so I don’t have to resize? See snippet below

Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Evangelos,
I got your DropBox video.  So, according to IG, they require for IGTV either 9:16 vertical or 16:9 horizontal.  For IGTV they don’t list square as an option which would make sense because when  you upload your square video, they upsize it to vertical which stretches it out and clips off the sides.

For IGTV your best bet is to follow the instructions in the link I gave.

Shoot HD which you already  are and use the last layout we have that is vertical for HD.

When you design it, design it as if it is square so when they crop the top and bottom, they won’t crop off your text.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Evangelos Datseris asked 5 years ago

Perfect thanks! 

Is it possible to make templates prior to uploading videos? I'd like to have a few different one preloaded that I can stick a video in and call it a day. If that's currently possible please let me know how to do it.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Sure. When you are on the edit video page and have your design the way you want it click the Template drop down menu which is to the left of the SAVE and MAKE buttons. Choose Save template.

When you load up a new video and choose a layout, this template will be presented to you.
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

What resolution are you starting with?

Evangelos Datseris asked 5 years ago

the native iphone video software, whatever resolution that is. the same videos that are blown up on IGTV are correct on other platforms. It’s so weird.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

I mean is your original video shot on your phone standard horizontal HD, square, vertical (9:16) or portrait (4:5).

Evangelos Datseris asked 5 years ago

Please take a look at the snippet below. This is not sized correctly for IGTV. I have to resize in order for it to load correctly. 

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Step one. Don’t shoot vertical videos.
Always shoot horizontal.
Then you will have plenty of layout options.
There is no reason to shoot vertical especially when Instagram is punishing you for it.
If you shoot horizontal, and upload it to us you will have many layouts to choose from that will be vertical like the one in the link above.
This is the answer. 🙂
– Craig

Evangelos Datseris replied 5 years ago

That was shot horizontal. Doesn’t matter if u use your software or just the native camera to produce the video. IGTV does it to all of my videos. It doesn’t do it on any other platform like FB/LinkedIn/Twitter etc.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

I will have to send you a video to show you. Give me a bit and I will do it for you.
– Craig

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey would you mind uploading a video to my DropBox that you uploaded to IG and that they cropped like in your screenshot?