Loading screen

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsLoading screen
Martin Kimberley asked 5 years ago

Hey there! When I try to go to ‘myvideos’ on my mac, it seems to get stuck on the load screen? It works perfectly on my iphone, but my chubby fingers struggle to change subtitles. Do I need to log out of my phone? Or is there a way I can workaround this? 

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Martin, no, that isn’t normal. Could you try clearing your cache for me, logging out and then logging back in again and let me know if that resolves the issue?
– Craig

Martin Kimberley replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig, i’ve done all the above, and it still won’t let me view my videos.

It just gets stuck on the load screen with the dots going round.

I’m using chrome on a macbook, and i’ve tried using safari, but the same thing happens.

Any ideas? As I’m able to view everything on my phone.


Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey @Martin Kimberley just checking back on this. I sent you an email, did you get it by chance?
– Craig