New Centered Style (Hormozi, GaryVee, etc)

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsNew Centered Style (Hormozi, GaryVee, etc)
Aaron Bailey asked 3 years ago

Hey Craig, any chance you guys are working on a way to style the transcripts for IG like a bunch of people are doing now on IG like Alex Hormozi, Gary, etc.

Shortened transcripts in Bold font with highlited colors on emphazixed works + emoji’s.

I know most are doing it manually using Premiere etc but would be great if we could do this in the app. Thanks!!

Craig Staff replied 3 years ago

@Aaron Bailey Yes! Trying to finish it up… Hopefully by the end of the month or sooner. You are going to love it…
– Craig

Aaron Bailey replied 3 years ago


Aaron Bailey replied 2 years ago

Hey Craig – just checking in on this. Do you have any updates? Thanks!

Craig Staff replied 2 years ago

@Aaron Bailey Hey Aaron, sorry has been delayed, but I am actually doing a database update tonight and then the code update will come in the next day or so. – Craig

Aaron Bailey replied 2 years ago

Ok sweet, can you also share what the changes/features are or link a help doc when ready? Thanks!

Aaron Bailey replied 2 years ago

Hey Craig, just checking if you were able to push that update. Im not noticing any changes. Thanks

Craig Staff replied 2 years ago

@Aaron Bailey Hey Aaron, the new update is up for you to play with. It is in Beta. if you are a member of our FB group, I posted a live there showing how to use it and will have some tutorials up by tomm, but wanted to at least let you know you can play with it.
When you upload a video, you can choose it as an option.

Aaron Bailey replied 2 years ago

Sweet, going to test it now. Thanks!

ClipScribe Staff replied 2 years ago

@Aaron Bailey Sweet. Here is a quick text-based breakdown of the new features.