Subscription problem

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsSubscription problem
Christine Pizzuto asked 4 years ago

Hello! I signed up for clickscribe 7 day trial and then opted in for the monthly subsription and have not recieve a confiramtion.Order #54463.Please see the attached receipt.Please advise…

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Christine Pizzuto
Hi Christine!
Looking at your account, I am just showing you purchased an annual subscription of the starter plan.
Looks like everything is good and active on it.
Did you mean that you were trying to convert it over to monthly?
If so, it doesn’t look like that went through. If you want to do that go to My Account and then Subscriptions and choose the View button for your subscription.
There should be an upgrade downgrade button.
Click that and choose your preferred plan and continue all the way to checkout.
As far as I know you should be able to do this, but possibly there is an issue going from Annual to Monthly since it would involve a refund, so if something doesn’t seem to be working let me know and we can just manually refund your current plan and you can re-sign up on the monthly plan.