Updated Captioning Section; Video Does Not Progress Past “Finishing Up”?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsUpdated Captioning Section; Video Does Not Progress Past “Finishing Up”?
Landon Blackhall asked 5 years ago

Hi there,

Firstly, just wanted to say that I’m so pleased that there’s a site like yours available now – it’s making life easier when it comes to captioning videos for not only all social media users, but for my friends in the Deaf/HOH community who also wish to access my content!

But at the moment I’ve been experiencing an issue after captioning my latest video, which has been stuck in “Finishing Up” status for a very long time.  Could this be a bug as a result to the recent update of the captioning section on the site?

If you could please investigate and let me know ASAP, it would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Landon!
Check it out now and refresh the page if you need to. I believe it is ready to go.
Sorry for the trouble. Rolled out a big update last night, so having a few issues related to that.
Working on it now.