Uploaded Video won’t Play during CC editing…

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsUploaded Video won’t Play during CC editing…
Ken Adolph Wellness asked 5 years ago

I am editing the CC on a long (37 min) video and after about 10 mins of working great, the video just stops playing back. I have to save it, refresh the page, find where I was, and then start again. Any ideas why this is happening? This process is already taking WAY longer, due to the upload issues last week and now I feel like my soul is slowly dying. 
And help would be super appreciated. 

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hey Ken! I see what is up there and resolved it. So sorry about that. A setting got modded in the midst of trying to solve that upload issue that appears to be affecting this.

Thanks for hanging with me through the upload stuff as well. All been running smooth, so appreciate the patience. If you ever have an issue like this, definitely reach out before it gets frustrating, so I can fix it asap for you.

Thanks again!