video in progress

HelpdeskCategory: Questionsvideo in progress
Stephanie Flynn asked 4 years ago

hi there! my video called action over feeling has been in progress for 8 hours now.. do you know when it will be done? it doesn’t’ usually take that long!

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

HI Stephanie!  It didn’t look like the MAKE button had been clicked yet.
I just clicked it for you now and it is in process.  I will keep an eye on it to make sure it goes through.

crzyk9sgmail-com replied 4 years ago

I’m having same issue with my most recent video. Normally even a 20 minute video takes less then 20 minutes and I have a minute video that I have restarted after an hour of it not being done

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@crzyk9sgmail-com On it Todd. One moment.

crzyk9sgmail-com replied 4 years ago

thank you. I just restarted it again

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

I am working on it. There is an issue, so just hang tight for a few minutes while I fix it up.

crzyk9sgmail-com replied 4 years ago

thank you

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

OK, it is ready to download. Your original video was an a-typical size, so was throwing the system off. I resolved the problem, so should be fine going forward.
Thanks for letting me know!
– Craig