Video recorded horizontal / uploaded as horizontal – showing as 1:1/16:9 in videos but not showing as horizontal screen on Instagram feed?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo recorded horizontal / uploaded as horizontal – showing as 1:1/16:9 in videos but not showing as horizontal screen on Instagram feed?
Joe Hilton asked 4 years ago


Please see my attached query. I have selected what I believe to be the right settings etc. Video recorded on iphone horizontal / uploaded and selected horizontal – showing as 1:1/16:9 in my videos on cipscribe but when exported its not showing as horizontal screen on Instagram feed? its showing as a square as opposed to full screen. The photo can be found attached.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Joe Hilton
Hey Joe! A few questions.
Are you uploading it to regular Instagram or IGTV? If it is IGTV, they don’t accept square, so let me know.
Also, are you uploading a separate thumbnail by chance? If so, it needs to match the same size as the video..
Let me know on these and we can take it from there.

Joe Hilton replied 4 years ago

Hi Craig,

Thanks for getting back.

Well the initial plan was for my mail wall so when it was not taking up the full screen that was frustrating. I have since seen if you click ‘COPY’ you can change the standard format of the size. There appears to be a size there that answers my initial question so I can use that template going forward (for my wall).

I did however notice another problem this morning regarding sizing. So I resized my video using the ‘copy’ part and actually made it fit IGTV.
I posted it on IGTV and this was great and looked really good. However, I noticed when this IGTV clip appeared on my main wall, the headline was not in full view and the subtitles were also cut out. Its only when you click on the full IGTV video that it works. Is there a way to fix this?

The sizing issues with Instagram I find to be such a fiddle!