Need to add time to end caption

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsNeed to add time to end caption
Conner Adams asked 4 years ago

Not sure what happened, but when I ran the caption aspect of the video, at the very end, it only gave one of my lines of text .001 seconds of playtime. But, since it is at the end of the video, there is no option for me to lengthen the time of the subtitle box, because the arrows require a lower block to do so, and adding a block below it, doesn’t work. Does anyone have a solution for this I may be missing? Thanks in advance!

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

As an update, this has now happened on a second, separate project file, so I now know it isn’t an isolated incident.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams Hey Conner, I can get this resolved for you. Which video do I need to look at?
– Craig

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick response Craig! The two videos I had it happen to are labeled Video 154 IG and Video 156 IG.

6 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hey Conner.

I looked at those two videos, but they both look to have more than .001 at the end, so maybe you found a workaround?

The only reason the last one would be .001 I can think of is if you added a new block at the end. The way the blocks work is, every 100th of a second is accounted for. So, if your last block is .001 and you try to add another one, that time has to come from somewhere. So, what you would need to do to make the last block longer is transfer time from the previous block to it using the transfer arrows.

If you haven’t sorted it out, then let me know what you are wanting and I can make a video showing you. i.e. "I want the last block to say ‘That’s all folks’ and to last for 3 seconds."



Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Hey Craig!

So my problem lies in the last subtitle block. At least on my end, the last block with text in it is only .001 seconds long, so like it goes from 93.747 to 93.748. And this is the case for both of the video projects I mentioned above. I wanted to add more time to the very last block, but I need it to be added to the bottom, without subtracting from the top. Meaning I need the blocks to go on longer in the video, without it stopping automatically, if that makes sense? If you play either video towards the end, and watch it till it stops, you’ll notice how the speaker just stops mid-sentence, and doesn’t go on to speak the last subtitle block. Hopes this makes sense? I’ll also add a screenshot of the last block and the length of the block below. Thanks in advance!


Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Ok Conner, looks to be good to go now. I need to dig a bit to see what happened with these videos, but the timing is resolved for them.

If you have any other issues with them, just let me know.



Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Thank you Craig! They seem to be good to me!

Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Ok Conner. We are all set. I was able to sort it out. You should be all set now. Thanks for your patience and the follow-up.


Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Awesome, thanks again Craig! I appreciate it!


Conner Adams asked 4 years ago

Here’s a screenshot.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Ok so you essentially want the video to last longer than your original video does.
Unfortunately, the system isn’t really set up for that. While there are a number of video editing features, it isn’t set up to replicate a full video editor ( i.e. adding multiple videos and editing them or adding new videos on top of the main video, etc.)
The system works off of the video you upload.
That said, I can probably tweak it for you for these cases. What are you wanting to happen in this second after the current video is finished and for how long are you wanting it to happen?
– Craig

Conner Adams asked 4 years ago

Sorry, I don’t think I explained properly. The captioning ends before the actual video does. If you go into the video, and press play on the second to last block with words, you’ll notice the video stops after the last word on that slide, but then you can go to the top of the screen and press the play button for the full video (Instead of just the captioning) and the video continues to play. It seems as though when I did the original captioning run-through, it didn’t detect his last line of speaking, and therefore ending the captioning, before it should have? Hope that helps/makes sense?



Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams Ah! Ok, that makes sense. I will hop on this first thing in the AM and sort it for you. If you are under a crunch for time let me know and we can hop on a zoom call, but I should be able to figure it out now that I fully understand the issue.

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

I can wait another day or two! I really won’t have time to work further on it/need it until tomorrow afternoon, so if you think you’d be able to figure it out/work on it before then, I’m happy with that! Thank you so much!


Conner Adams asked 4 years ago

Hey Craig! This problem has just happened again, with another video of mine (Video 158 IG). Not sure if it helps, but this tends to happen when I use the "re-process" function, and change the default line length to 50 instead of 30. Not sure if that would help you fix the problem on the back end? I will update this chain as I edit more content, if it happens again. If you could fix that video when you get a chance, I’d appreciate it! Thanks!



Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams Hey Conner.

Can I look at it right now? Let me know and I will work on it now.
– Craig

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Sure thing! I’ve moved on to a different video clip – or do you need me fully off my account? Either way is fine, just let me know. Thanks!


Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams
No, as long as you aren’t working on that one. Let me go in and see what is up.
– C

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

Awesome, I’ll stay out of that video. Thank you!


Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams
Hey I am not 100% sure I fixed this yet but can you look at the 158 IG video and see if it looks correct?

Conner Adams replied 4 years ago

It’s definitely gotten better, but still needs more time added to that last little caption block. It cuts off about halfway through his last sentence.


Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

Ah ok, I missed that. I am going to do some more testing today.
I will report back.

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Conner Adams I add the extra time to that one. Working on fixing that last minute issue now.