Video Uploading is really temperamental

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo Uploading is really temperamental
Elton Boocock asked 5 years ago

Hi Craig,

I had an issue where I couldn't upload videos to Clipscribe.

I read on here about the third party uploader and thought 'lets cut that out of the possibilities by uploading to dropbox'.

Having done this (used Dropbox instead), I managed to get 10 of the 12 imported, but the final 2 wouldn't import? I tried them earlier in the process and have since imported other videos. It is the same 2 files that had the issue.

Today, I have tried again and one of them has imported but the other just drops out before it has fully imported. This is exactly as others have reported (which is good as it means its not just me doing something wrong!).

I still need this file ( in my account. If you are able to import it and put it in the account, this solves the issue for now at least. I have tried so many times and from different browsers etc. I just cant get it to upload/transfer.

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hey. That video is in your account now and I am testing the DropBox import for myself as well as passing on the info. to the uploader co.

Will get this sorted asap.

Anything else you need let me know.

  • Craig
Elton Boocock replied 5 years ago

Thanks Craig. Appreciate your help…