Video’s wouldn’t upload and now 2 of them won’t import through Dropbox??

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsVideo’s wouldn’t upload and now 2 of them won’t import through Dropbox??
Elton Boocock asked 5 years ago

I had an issue where I couldn’t upload videos to Clipscribe. I read on here about the third party uploader and thought ‘lets cut that out of the possibilities by uploading to dropbox’. Having done this, I have managed to get 10 of the 12 imported, but the final 2 won’t import? I tried them earlier in the process and have since imported other videos. It is the same 2 files that have the issue.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Elton, could you link me to the dropbox files here so I can check them out? Or email the links to
– Craig

Elton Boocock replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig, just making sure i’m not missing a reply??

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Thanks Elton,
The reason it wasn’t showing an answer was because I had only left a comment rather than a full answer. I’ll check and see how I can clarify that as I can understand the confusion.

So, I uploaded both of those videos on my end without issue, so it must be some kind of a network issue and possibly those files are larger than others and the network between you and our upload service is not reliable enough to handle the larger files. That would be my guess.

So, since you already have them in your dropbox, I would just transfer them over from there using the dropbox import icon. (On mobile it is behind a little menu button).

And if you have this issue in the future, I would do the same.


Elton Boocock replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig,

I did that, that is in the original post…