What is Max file upload size limit?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsWhat is Max file upload size limit?
Patricia Roque asked 5 years ago

i need to edit 60 minute videos here. what’s the nax file size or length?

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Patricia. Beyond the account minute length, there isn’t a video length limit. That said, ClipScribe is made specifically for creating attention getting marketing videos more than for adding transcriptions to longer form video content, so, I wouldn’t say it is dialed in for 60 minute videos, but you can definitely use it for that purpose if you wish.

Just remember that all of our times listed are based on 3-5 minute videos and you can expect render times of about 1 minute per 1 minute of video, so if your video is 60 minutes, it will likely take 60+ minutes to create your final video.

Finally, we don’t recommend uploading files over 2 GB and I would definitely pre-compress your video if it is that long. You wouldn’t want to upload an uncompressed video as it would make things more difficult for you on upload and also render time. Upload an MP4 that is compressed with high quality rather than ultra-high and you should be ok.

Let me know if I can help further.

  • Craig