Changes to subtitles are updated and saved however when I download the file it doesn’t make the changes. Why can I not find a support email or number?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsChanges to subtitles are updated and saved however when I download the file it doesn’t make the changes. Why can I not find a support email or number?
Jason Jacques asked 5 years ago

Changes to subtitles are updated and saved however when I download the file it doesn’t make the changes. Why can I not find a support email or number?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Jason. You can email me at It is noted at the top of the helpdesk or you can use the helpdesk to reach out.

Which video is it you are having trouble with?

What change are you not seeing on the finished version? I am assuming you are clicking the MAKE button and waiting for the video to process, but it isn’t updating when you download?


Jason Jacques replied 5 years ago

Thank you my bad…I was simply saving and then downloading it. I guess MAKE is like exporting? Once I did that it worked like a charm thanks

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

No worries at all! I equate MAKE to printing a document. If you save your document in WORD for example, it doesn’t update the doc you already printed. 🙂
But… too many people have notified in the last few posts that this isn’t clear, so I will put a message up.
Anything else you need, post here or email me Jason.