How do I post to IG from Mac?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHow do I post to IG from Mac?
Stacey Doege asked 4 years ago

How do I post to IG from my Mac?


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1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi Stacey,

There are a number of ways you can do it.

  1. To me the easiest would be to use Facebook Creator Studio. You can upload your videos to Instagram or IGTV from there. Just google Facebook Creator Studio to get started.
  2. You can actually upload without doing that by following this guide from hubspot though it is a little technical. (you are basically tricking your browser into thinking it is a mobile device.)

  3. You can transfer your file to a DropBox account from our export options and then on your mobile device download it and import it that way.
  4. You can just use your browser to login to ClipScribe on your mobile device and download it to your photo library and upload it that way. Do note that if you have an iPhone, only Safari allows you to download videos to your photo library.

Hope this helps and if you need further clarification please let me know.

