How long does it take to be able to download a video?

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsHow long does it take to be able to download a video?
Shawna Davis asked 5 years ago

What’s the average wait time? It’s been about 10 minutes so far.

infotrafficality-com replied 5 years ago

Hey Shawna. Usually just a few minutes. Today seems to be a busier day than usual, so taking longer. I am keeping an eye on things…
– Craig

Shawna Davis replied 5 years ago

Do I get notified when it’s finished or do I have to keep refreshing the page?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

@Shawna Davis You will get an email when it is complete.
– Craig

Shawna Davis replied 5 years ago

Hi Craig, I just saw my finished video and there is a double space in the headline and the CC font has been changed. Why and how do I fix this? In the preview it is fine.

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hey Shawna. Can you clarify double space? Which CC font were you using? Headlines should only be on a single line. The system doesn’t really allow them to go to two lines.
If you want to hop on Facebook messenger I could help directly. Just let me know.,

Shawna Davis replied 5 years ago

Happy to get on FB Messenger – how do I find you?